
And who really needs it.

Picture this: You've built a thriving business from the ground up. Your products are in high demand, your customer base is growing steadily, and your revenue is on the rise. You've invested in the best people, processes, and technology to ensure your operations run smoothly.

Your future looks bright!

But in an instant, everything changes – a cyber attack slips through your defenses.

Your critical data is encrypted and held for ransom, your funds have been siphoned off to untraceable accounts, and your systems are paralyzed. Your operation grinds to a halt. Angry customers and regulators are flooding your inbox, demanding answers. And the attackers are demanding an eye-watering ransom just to get your data back…

This is the harsh reality of doing business in the digital age. No matter your size or sector—whether you're a small brick-and-mortar shop, a mid-sized manufacturer, or a large financial institution—if you rely on technology and data (and who doesn't these days?), you're at risk.

But there is a safety net: cyber insurance. And with Blackpanda's innovative approach, this critical protection is now more accessible, affordable, and effective than ever.

Now you might think, “That won’t happen to me… what are the odds?”

The Hard Truth:
Cyber Attacks are More Common (and Costly) Than You Think

The truth is, cyber attacks are far more common than most people realize. Consider this:

  • Cyber incidents are the top global business risk in 2024, far outranking fires and natural catastrophes. (Allianz)
  • 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses, as they are often perceived as easier targets with weaker defenses. (Verizon)
  • The average cost of a data breach reached $4.45 million in 2023, impacting businesses of all sizes. (IBM)
  • Small businesses with fewer than 500 employees face an average breach cost of $3.31 million, proving that cyber criminals don't discriminate based on company size. (IBM)

To put it in perspective, while the average business has about a 1 in 10,000 chance of experiencing a fire annually, the odds of a cyberattack are a staggering 1 in 4. Attacks occur every 39 seconds on average.

And they're not just more frequent, they're also far more expensive, often costing millions in damages, lost business, legal fees, and reputational damage.

And yet, the majority of businesses have fire insurance, but not cyber insurance—an alarming oversight.

The good news is that business leaders are catching on. And as cyber insurance adoption surges, more and more

organizations are taking proactive steps to protect their assets, their reputations, and their futures.

What is Cyber Insurance and What Does it Cover?

Cyber insurance is your lifeline when digital disaster strikes. It's a type of insurance that protects businesses from the fallout of cyber attacks and hacking threats.

But it's not just about covering financial losses after the fact. A comprehensive cyber insurance policy also pays for the immediate services you need to respond and recover.

This can include:

  • Incident Response:
    The costs of investigating, containing, and neutralizing threats to your network, including ransomware negotiations.
  • Data Recovery:
    The costs to regain access to or restore your data from backups or other sources.
  • Business Interruption:              
    The income you lose due to system downtime from a cyber attack.
  • Legal Counsel:
    The legal costs to manage a data breach, including defending regulatory investigations and addressing third-party liabilities. (This is critical, as you could face compliance issues, hefty regulatory fines, and even lawsuits from affected parties.)
  • Crisis PR:
    The expert public relations professionals who will help you communicate with your customers, manage the narrative, and protect your reputation.
  • Stakeholder Notification:
    The costs of notifying affected parties and providing credit monitoring services.

In a nutshell, your cyber insurance provider is your partner in both responding to and recovering from a cyber attack, both operationally and financially.

The Blackpanda Advantage:
A Revolutionary Approach to Cyber Insurance

At Blackpanda, we're not just another cyber insurance provider.

We're on a mission to revolutionize the way businesses of all sizes access and benefit from cyber emergency response services, including cyber insurance. We believe that in a digital landscape where cyber attacks can bankrupt a business in minutes, premium cyber emergency response should be a basic right, not a luxury.

Imagine a model where comprehensive cyber insurance is as instant and accessible as the click of a button. Where your incident response, your security technology, and your insurance work together, seamlessly, to not just help you respond to attacks, but to actively prevent them, minimize damage, and continually optimize pricingto your benefit.

As Asia's first and only Lloyd’s of London-backed pure cyber insurance provider, we’re pioneering this innovative approach in the regionwith our game-changing IR-1 solution.

IR-1 is ourfixed-cost incident response (IR) subscription solution, designed to overcome the high costs and limited accessibility of traditional IR retainer models. It hasbeen carefully curated to address the three most fundamental aspects of cybersecurity that every business needs:

  1. Readiness: Continuous vulnerability scanning with our Attack Surface Management (ASM) technology
  2. Response: Annual credits for comprehensive incident response from our elite team of responders
  3. Recovery: Streamlined access to cyber insurance for financial response and recovery

…all for an annual fee that's about 90% less than traditional IR retainers.


The Power of Integration:Services, Technology, Insurance

But it's the integration of these three components that makes all the difference. Here's howeach component of IR-1 works together to enhance your cyber insurance policy:

  1. Response Services:
    • Built-in IR Discount:
      With IR-1, your annual incident response credit is already included,eliminating the need for any reimbursement claims on this traditionally expensive service—allowing Blackpanda to lower your premium.
    • Discounts for Risk Reduction:
      Our additional response preparation consulting and advisory services (availablevia the customisable IR-X option), like Incident Response Plandevelopment and Compromise Assessments, can help further reduce your premium. The more our experts can understand and strengthen your security posture through these relationship-building services, the more competitive your premiumbecomes.
  1. Readiness Technology:
    • Continuous Vulnerability Scanning:
      Our Attack Surface Management (ASM) tool continuously scans your digital infrastructure to identify 80,000+ known vulnerabilities. When you close the sesecurity gaps, you can lower your premium even more.
    • Enhanced Incident Response:
      In the event of an attack, our ASM tool provides our 24/7 responders with a detailed blueprint of your digital environment for faster, more targeted threat investigation and rapid containment. This minimizes downtime and limits costly business interruption losses and claims. By more quickly preventing threats from spreading and wreaking havoc through your systems (and external third parties!), we can further optimise your insurance premium.
  1. Streamlined Access to Insurance:
    • Effortless, Data-Driven Quotes:
      Our ASM data is so comprehensive and reliable that we, as a Lloyd’s of London-backed insurance company, confidently use it to validate our insurance pricing.
      This data—enhanced by machine learning and correlated with real cyber attack forensics—feeds directly into our models, allowing our underwriters to provideinstant insurance estimates with confidence.
      No lengthy questionnaires or complex underwriting—just straight forward, data-driven financial coverage from your trusted 24/7 emergency responders, always vigilant and loyal in your corner.

Premium Services, Advanced Tech,and a Superior Dataset

As Asia's leading cyber emergency responders, we combine our extensive digital forensics experience and collected incident data with our advanced ASM technology to deliver unmatched insight on cyber attack frequency. Through our extensive customer base, we both see the attack frequency and have the wide ASM dataset to understand what external indicators lead to these attacks. This comprehensive dataset gives us a unique advantage in risk assessment and premium pricing, allowing us to offer fairer, more competitiverates.

We are not just an insurance company, an IR services firm, ora tech company; we are the combined power of all three.

We offer a one-stop shop for everything you need tominimize financial impact after a cyber attack. Our integrated approach allowsus to both reduce your risk and optimize recovery costs at everystep—maximizing the value of your cybersecurity investments.

Complementary to Other CyberInsurance

Even if you choose adifferent cyber insurance policy, Blackpanda still has you covered. We understand there are many types of coverages that may suit your needs better, and we fully support that.However, Blackpanda can still be your by-name-request first responders onanother cyber insurance policy.

Also, IR-1 remains an unbeatable, affordable backup for emergency response. Unfortunately, traditional IR firms often charge by thehour and can be overwhelmed during surge periods—it's common for enterprises tohave multiple IR firms on standby. Blackpanda’s innovative model allows us to field the largest team in Asia, ensuring we can always respond, either as your primary responders or as a hedge, at a cost that’s minimal within your overall IT budget.

Your Digital Safety Net, OneClick Away

In the age of digital threats, cyber insurance isn't a nice-to-have. It's a strategic necessity.

It's your safety net, your response partner, and your key to recovery. And with Blackpanda's innovative services, technology, and data-driven approach, this critical protection is now more accessible and valuable than ever.

Don't wait until it's too late. Protect your business, your customers, and your peace of mind. Contact Blackpanda today to learn more about IR-1 and our game-changing approach to cyberinsurance.

Your digital safety net is just a click away.

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