Cyber Insurance 

Asia's first and only pure cyber insurance Lloyd’s of London coverholder. We offer response and recovery services and indemnity following a breach, backed by the financial strength of Chaucer, a leading Lloyd’s insurer.

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What’s Covered?

Access up to USD 5 million in cyber insurance coverage for a wide range of industries and the full spectrum of cyber risk—from human error to sophisticated cyber attacks, financial losses, and reputational damage.

Incident Response

Costs incurred to investigate, contain, and neutralise threats to a computer network

Data Recovery Costs

Costs to regain access to or restore your data assets from back-ups or other sources

Stakeholder Notification

Costs incurred in notifying data subjects and any regulatory body, and providing credit monitoring services

Business Interruption

The loss of income that you may suffer from a cyber attack

Legal Counsel

Legal costs incurred to manage a data breach

Reputational Damage

Expert crisis management and communications following an attack

Third-Party Liabilities

Liabilities and the cost of defending regulatory investigations after any alleged breach of data protection legislation

Extortion & Ransom Negotiation

The costs of handling ransomware negotiations

For the Broker

Streamline the cyber insurance placement process with our intuitive Broker Portal. Effortless input client details, get real-time quotes, and manage policies efficiently.

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Automated Cyber Insurance
Estimates For Blackpanda Customers

Hassle-free cyber insurance via the Blackpanda platform. Request quotes with as little as one click, without the need for lengthy questionnaires. Simplify your cyber insurance acquisition process with the Blackpanda platform, where streamlined onboarding and efficient assessments ensure you get the protection you need, effortlessly.

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Response Panel

Our response panel includes the most respected organisations in cyber breach management, cyber legal counsel, and crisis public relations management.

Are you a broker? Get in touch.

Blackpanda Underwriting is Asia's first pure cyber insurance Lloyd’s of London coverholder. We offer financial response and recovery following a breach, backed by the financial strength of Chaucer, a leading Lloyd’s insurer.